Planetary Numbers

In planetary magic, there is an association between the seven planets as known by the ancients and the numbers 3 to 9. The so called planets include what we know today to be a star, the sun, and a satellite, the moon.

It is easy to remember those seven ‘planets’ as they are associated to the days of the week. The association may not be obvious in English but is easier to spot in other European languages.

Day Planet





























The attribution of the planetary numbers is based on an order that can be obtained from the sequence of the days of the week. To find this order, starting from Moon (Monday), just take the planets every other day. Moon as the highest number, 9, and Saturn the lowest, 3.



Planetary Number





























We can find the same ordering on the back of the chair of Dürer’s Astrologer, the character for moon being hidden by the pillow on which the astrologer is sitting.

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Dürer’s Astrologer

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Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535)

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Mapping 7

There are several mapping between sets holding an equal number of entities. For the number 7, we have 7 days of the week, 7 gods, 7 celestial bodies and 7 metals.

Days Gods Planets Metals
Sunday Sun Sun Gold
Monday Moon Moon Silver
Tuesday Mars Mars Iron
Wednesday Mercury Mercury Mercury
Thursday Jupiter Jupiter Tin
Friday Venus Venus Copper
Saturday Saturn Saturn Lead

I use here the traditional ordering for the days of the week, starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday. This would give a first mapping to the number 1 to 7. But there exists another classical pairing of these seven gods to the numbers 3 to 9, so called planetary numbers.

Gods Planetary Numbers
Saturn 3
Jupiter 4
Mars 5
Sun 6
Venus 7
Mercury 8
Moon 9

We will found more on this gods/numbers association in the making of kamea, or planetary talismans. For now, I just want to show what happens when we put back those gods/numbers pairs in the order of their weekdays sequence.

Days Gods Numbers
Sunday Sun 6
Monday Moon 9
Tuesday Mars 5
Wednesday Mercury 8
Thursday Jupiter 4
Friday Venus 7
Saturday Saturn 3

In this order, the planetary numbers decrease, starting from Monday/9, every two days. Or they increase, starting from Saturday/3, every 5 days.

While today the number of days in the week remains 7, the number of known planets and the number of known metals have increased with the advance of science. Interestingly, new found planets and some metals have been named with the blessing of tradition, by selecting the name of one of the god from the roman pantheon. And of course, those three gods have fitting planetary numbers. If we put those celestial body in the order in which they occur in the solar system as we know it today, we get the following sequence.

Planets Gods Metals Chemical Symbols Planetary Numbers
Sun Sun Gold Au 6
Mercury Mercury Mercury Hg 8
Venus Venus Copper Cu 7
Moon Moon Silver Ag 9
Mars Mars Iron Fe 5
Jupiter Jupiter Tin Sn 4
Saturn Saturn Lead Pb 3
Uranus Uranus Uranium U 10
Neptune Neptune Neptunium Np 11
Pluto Pluto Plutonium Pu 13
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Kamea are talismans that can be used to influence the occurrence of good or bad events. The form I will discuss here is based on magic squares as exposed in book II of Agrippa‘s De Occulta Philosophia (1510).

God Metal Planetary Number Square P²
Intelligence T(P)/P
Spirit T(P)
Saturn Lead 3 9 15 45
Jupiter Tin 4 16 34 136
Mars Iron 5 25 65 325
Soleil Gold 6 36 111 666
Venus Copper 7 49 175 1225
Mercury Mercury 8 64 260 2080
Moon Silver 9 81 369 3321
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The Cross

Touch the forehead ATOH Thou art Par Toi Helmet Crown
Bring the hand down, and touch the breast MALKUTH The Kingdown Le règne, Greaves Boots
Touch the left shoulder VE-GEDULAH and the Glory La puissance Sword Scepter
Touch the right shouder VE_GEVURAH and the Power et la Gloire Shield Orb
Clasp the fingers on the breast LE OLAHM forever, pour les siècles des siècles. Breastplate Necklace
AMEN Amen Amen. Belt Cape
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In order to open this blog to public access I had to sanitize its content. But of course it is not possible to suppress ideas that are only in the reader’s mind. So, reader, beware! You will not find here more, or less, than I intended to write or show. Anything else is the fruit of your imagination.

Notes here included are mainly for my personal usage, with no practical use whatsoever for someone else. They have mainly a technical nature, in the sense that technics precede science.

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ELEPHANTIS: Under the early Roman Emperors, the writer of certain amatory works ( molles Elephantidos libelli), the character of which is sufficiently evident from the notices contained in Martial and Suetonius. We know not with certainty the sex of the author, nor in what language the pieces were composed, nor whether they were expressed in prose or verse; but the grammatical form of the name seems to indicate that the person in question was a female, and that she was either a Greek by birth or of Greek extraction. By the historians of literature she is generally ranked among the poetesses. (Martial; Suet. ; )

Suetonius, about Tiberius: He adorned his apartments, which were variously disposed, with pictures and seals, representing the lewdest images, and furnished them with the books of Elephantis, that no one might be at a loss for examples to copy after.


Martial [Epigrammaton libri, XII, XLIII]:

Facundos mihi de libidinosis
Legisti nimium, Sabelle, versus,
Quales nec Didymi sciunt puellae
Nec molles Elephantidos libelli.
Sunt illic Veneris novae figurae,
Quales perditus audeat fututor,
Praestent et taceant quid exoleti,
Quo symplegmate quinque copulentur,
Qua plures teneantur a catena,
Extinctam liceat quid ad lucernam.
Tanti non erat, esse te disertum.

Tu m’as lu, Sabelle, des vers beaucoup trop parlant sur des luxures,
Tels que n’en savent ni les filles de Didyme
Ni les livres voluptueux d’Elephantis.
Il y a là de nouvelles figures érotiques,
Telles qu’un débauché n’oserait les tenter,
Ce que les prostitués pratiquent et taisent,
Par quel mélange cinq peuvent s’accoupler,
Comment un plus grand nombre peuvent s’étreindre à la chaine,
Ce qu’il est possible de faire une fois les lampes éteintes,
Tout cela, ce n’était pas à toi de l’exposer.

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Tarot Readings – August

Thu 2 Aug 9 Wands Strength
Wed 1 Aug      
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Testing Windows Live Writer

I downloaded Live Writer yesterday. After installation it took me some time to find the link to my space (

Now I am trying a first post.

Posting seems to work. Now trying an update with a picture.

That picture was taken, warped and convert to brush stroke using my mobile.

Update works, the image is also added in the album Blog Images. Only thing is that the image appears twice in the album. I was also able to add the category journal to this post.

It is also easy to open previous post that have been created from the website.

Wands Fire Male  
Cups Water Female Shui
Swords Air Male Feng
Disks Earth Female  


Table insertion works fine, but spacing is a bit odd.

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