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Some Edward Lee I have read

Edward Cthulhu Lee

Edward Cthulhu Lee

The Backwoods
The Bighead
The Black Train
Brain Cheese Buffet
Brides of the Impaler
Bullet Through Your Face
Carnal Surgery
The Chosen
City Infernal
Dahmer’s Not Dead
Family Tradition
Flesh Gothic
Going Monstering
The golem
Grimoire Diabolique
Haunted House and Other Presidential Horrors
The Haunter of the Threshold
Header 2
The House (& Pig)
House Infernal
Infernal Angel
The Innswich Horror
Lucifer’s lottery
Monster Lake
Operator B
Pages Torn from a Travel Journal
Portrait of the Psychopath as a young woman
Quest for Sex, Truth & Reality
Room 415
Sleep Disorder
The Stickmen
The Teratologist
Trolley No 1852
Vampire Lodge
Whitch Water
You are My Everything

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Fengdu Huang Ying Ni!

Hells are crowded. Chinese hells even more so. Don’t be surprised to learn that due to the sheer amounts of shades that arrive continuously combined with the slow pace of the administration, you may have to wait an eternity before your case is put for judgement in front of the First Court. If like me you haven’t anybody left above burning paper money to grease one clerk’s palm, there is no way your name will end up soon on any condemned list. And this of course is for the First Court only, picture yourself going through the ten courts before getting your turn for reincarnation and you have the prospect I was facing after I passed away.

Now, I don’t mind the crowd and I am more patient than most. Above, I had my shares of ageing in lines before drowning in the collective hug of elevators and subway cars. But here, honestly, I miss the point of cutting queue to get a well deserved punishment. And with nine torments for each one of the ten courts, I rather not start today.

On the other side, as a foreign devil, I kind of blend in Chinese hells landscape. Red hair, pale hairy skin, long ugly nose, too tall and too big, the other damned look up to me in a kind of stupor. So it’s easy for me to move on, I just push through while they slowly give way.

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Of Snakes and Ropes

Oniroky Dan Kinbaku Manjizeme

As Japan got a lot of attention in the past weeks, I have been naturally led to recheck the list of movies inspired by a famous novelist.

緊縛 卍責め

I noticed a red wàn on the movie poster of Double Rope Torture (1985), staring Miki Takakura. In japanese the movie is known as Oniroku Dan Kinbaku Manji-zeme (緊縛 卍責め). Manji, “Man Character” being the japanese name for the chinese wàn character.

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CM3’s Burger

Finished reading Satan Burger by Carlton Mellick III. CM3 took the leap from food to die for to food to trade your soul for.

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Different level of reality, the Slayer touch

In Starr the Slayer: A Starr is born by Daniel Way and Richard Corben, the bad guy, Trull, uses magic to bring the writer Len Carson inside his own story. Follows enslavement and rewriting of his story. History?

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CM3 on different level of reality

Just finish reading The Kobold Wizard’s Dildo of Enlightenment +2 (an adventure for 3-6 players, level 2-5) by Carlton Mellick III [CM3]. I am now wondering if there exist in that world a Dildo of Enlightenment +3 that would have enlightened the users to the existence of CM3.

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Kambriel’s Squares



Archangel of Aquarius






18 21 26 11
25 12 17 22
13 28 19 16
20 15 14 27


4 35 36 1
30 7 6 33
5 32 31 8
37 2 3 34

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Variation On The Luoshu of the Beast

73 78 71
72 74 76
77 70 75
Raised (69)
73 147 2
3 74 145
146 1 75
56 146 20
38 74 110
128 2 92


147 19
37 74 111
129 1 92
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Planetary hours.

I showed before that there is a relationship between the succession of the day of the week and the order of the spheres in the geocentric model of the world. If you know the order of the days of the week and the planet associated to each day, you can find back the order of the planetary spheres easily. Just start with Monday and name every other day. That gives us the sequence Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. If you replace the name of the day by the name of the planet associated to that day, you find the sequence of the planetary spheres starting from the sphere closer to Earth: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

But where this relationship comes from? Which sequence came first, the day of the week or the planetary sphere order? The answer to those two questions is based on the notion of planetary hours.

The notion of hours we use today is somewhat different than it was before. Originally like today, the day was divided into 24 hours, but there was exactly 12 hours in the day and 12 hours in the night. A daytime hour duration was one twelfth of the time measured between sunset and sundown. And a nighttime hour duration was one twelfth of the time measured between sundown and sunset. So, except at the equinox, a daytime hour duration would not be equal to a nighttime hour duration.

Hours were associated to planets using the sequence of the planetary spheres from the farthest to the closest to Earth. This means that if one hour is dedicated to Saturn, the next one will be dedicated to Jupiter. This is a cycle of 7 hours, a new cycle starts again after an hour dedicated to the Moon, starting anew with an hour dedicated to Saturn. Because there is 7 days of 24 hours in a week, there will be 24 cycles of 7 planetary hours in a week.

The relationship between planetary hours and planetary day is based on the planet associated to the first hour after sunset. On a Saturday, the first hour after sunset is dedicated to Saturn. As the remainder of 24 divided by 7 is 3, the planet associated to the first hour of the following day will be 3 spheres closer to Earth, which will be Sun. Hence Sunday follows Saturday. Three spheres down after Sun is the sphere of the Moon, hence Monday follows Sunday.

So we can see that the order of days in a week is related to the order of the planetary spheres through the concept of planetary hours. But which came first? We only see that we could get the planetary spheres order from the sequence of the day of the week and vice versa.

Because the planetary spheres sequence is a model of the world based on interpretation of actual observation, my assumption is that it came first and the order of the day of the week came with the idea of dedicating hours and days to specific planets following the system I just described.

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